Union Heavy Industries Minister Mahendra Nath Pandey said that state-owned engineering company BHEL is making India self-sufficient not just in the energy and infrastructure sectors but also in the defense and space domains.
Delhi, New: According to Union Heavy Industries Minister Mahendra Nath Pandey, state-owned engineering company BHEL is not only helping India become self-sufficient in the energy and infrastructure sectors, but it is also making a major contribution to the space and defense industries. On Monday, the business released a statement celebrating BHEL Day, marking the minister's official opening of the recently built BHEL Sadan in Noida.
Speaking on the occasion, he cited Prime Minister Narendra Modi's clarion call to achieve the goal of "net zero" carbon emissions by 2070 and stated that this eighteen-story, environmentally friendly building, built in accordance with the most recent standards and technology, is a symbol of BHEL's commitment to environmental protection.
The building's 30-kW solar power system, according to the minister, demonstrates BHEL's dedication to advancing green energy.
Recalling BHEL's role in building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat since its founding, Pandey said, adding that in addition to working to make India self-sufficient in the infrastructure and energy sectors, BHEL is also making major contributions in the domains of space exploration and defense.
Minister of state for power and heavy industries Krishna Pal Gurjar noted in his speech that the new structure, which can accommodate over 2,000 people, will make it easier for all of the Delhi-NCR-based offices to operate from a single office, leading to better performance and coordination.
Gurjar also praised BHEL's efforts in the field of green energy, highlighting in particular the Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) the business has signed with NLC India and Coal India for large-scale coal gasification projects.
Speaking at the event, heavy industries secretary Kamran Rizvi said that having an organization's own assets instills confidence and drives its workforce.
He said that we will all be inspired in the days ahead by this magnificent structure, which is a representation of BHEL's illustrious past and grandeur.
According to K Sadashiv Murthy, CMD of BHEL, the relocation of all business offices to the new facility would improve work-life balance for the majority of employees in the Delhi-NCR region, who reside in the township of the firm in Noida.